Sunday, August 7, 2011

Cathching up on Photos....

Up Up Up!

Me: 31 weeks pregnant (almost 8 mo), G almost 21 months

R, G & I getting ready to go out to dinner

Dad, R & G -- G is ready to escape out the gate

At a wonderful Sushi dinner ... before G started his interpretive dance & yoga routine beginning with some downward dog followed by rolling around on the floor. He even put himself in time out -- Me: G do you want to sit? G: Yes (and then sits).

My two handsome boys after bathtime

At the beach in Leon after G had a dinner of sand
R & G

A gorgeous sunset at the beach in Leon

Just taking the opportunity to catch up on posting some of our more recent pictures!

1 comment:

  1. Everyone looks so wonderful and happy! your belly looks lovely!
