Saturday, September 24, 2011

Almost, almost.... (and some updates)

37 weeks pregnant and the doctor says that any day now we can expect to meet our little girl! We are so excited! He also thinks that she will not be as big as G (10lbs) which I am also pretty excited about...

G (or Ya-YO as he has named himself) in the meantime has become very cuddly.. partially as a ploy to avoid bedtime, but it is a very sweet and successful ploy! After we read his current favorite books ("Nand" Ferdinand, "Wild" Where the wild things are, "Heeeelllo" May I bring a friend) he requests "cuddle". Ya-YO has become very definitive about his likes and dislikes as we approach the 2 year mark. We're not sure if he has the idea that the new baby is coming though we talk to him about it and he does like to give kisses to his sister in "Ama's" (that's me) belly.

Who can resist this face?

Cuddling around my big belly

A month ago we did  a 5K with good friends of ours from Leon -- R ran and I walked while pushing G is the stroller. It was a good workout (40lbs of G + 20lbs of jogging stroller), but luckily I had good company walking with me and it was at 6am in the morning so it wasn't too hot yet.

After the 5K
8mo pregnant

With our dear friends from Leon
The next three weeks are very very busy at work -- we are beginning the development of our Early Childhood Development course for professionals with a local University (a course on evidenced based best practices for care for children in institutionalized settings -- this has been 8 months in the works), graduating our first group of caregivers from the caregiver training program, implementing material improvements in 2 of 5 centers (including soft spaces, books, toys, dress up outfits, and  "lofts"  to be built by a group that supports skill building for people with special needs) and receiving visits from board members and donors.

So I'm hoping that as G was nice enough to stay put in utero so I could finish my clinical hours for my Masters as a Nurse Practitioner, that F will be nice enough to stay put to get through Oct 12th!

We shall see.....

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